XXX Dimz


Born in Italy, lived in Australia, now in Barcelona,Spain.





What is music to you? What does it give you?

No music, no party

What is your music dream?


If you could change the world - what would you start with?

Writing again all the rules and laws.

Which is the most memorable song from your childhood?

too many songs , Im from the 90's

Who are your favorite musical artists or bands?

No favorite one for real .... love good music in general.

What inspires you to make music?

Life, feelings, family, friends .... music is life ...

What is the message you want to send with your music?

Want to people enjoying while listening my music

How do you feel when you perform in front of an audience?

never done it .... soon I will

What do you think of Drooble?

Great platform to get heard from more people

What frustrates you most as a musician?

Listening to bad songs (in my opinion) with thousands of views...