Victoria Almada


Hello! my name is Victoria Almada. I'm a professional singer and vocal coach, from Buenos Aires Argentina. Here are some facts about myself: (*) I was born on July of 1990 (*) I have been studying and perfecting the singing career since I was 16 years old, from lyrical techniques to popular singing techniques (*) Currently I own a music academy called "Serendipia" on Buenos Aires, Argentina (where I live) (*) I have been a lead singer in many local bands of my country. Currently I'm singing in my own acoustic proyect and I'm one of the session singers of Proyeto Turmalina (Brazil)






What is music to you? What does it give you?

la musica es mi vida, me ha dado muchas satisfacciones y aprendo mucho de ella cada dia, tanto enseñando como cantando The music is my life, it has given me many satisfactions and I learn a lot from it every day, both teaching and singing

What is your music dream?

me gustaria poder hacer conocer mi voz y poder enseñar a las personas que todos pueden cantar I would like to be able to know my voice and to be able to teach people that everyone can sing

If you could change the world - what would you start with?

empezaria por ser mas amable con todo el mundo, el cambio empieza con pequeñas cosas que cada uno de nosotros puede hacer. I would start by being kinder to everyone, change starts with little things that each of us can do.

Which is the most memorable song from your childhood?

ranma 1/2 song

Who are your favorite musical artists or bands?

Jennifer Hudson

What inspires you to make music?

me inspira lo que sienta en el momento de crear o cantar una cancion I'm inspired by what I feel at the moment of creating or singing a song

What is the message you want to send with your music?

un mensaje inspiracional, de que todo el mundo puede realizar sus sueños si trabaja muy duro para conseguirlo An inspirational message, that everyone can realize their dreams if they work very hard to get it

How do you feel when you perform in front of an audience?

antes me daba mucho miedo, pero ahora disfruto cada segundo de cada show Before I was very scared, but now I enjoy every second of each show

How do you see the musicians’ reality nowadays? What could be improved?

creo que podrian ser mas valorados que hoy en dia I think they could be more valued than they are today

What do you think of Drooble?

me parece un gran espacio para difundir material y conocer la musica de los demas It seems to me a great space to spread material and to know the music of others

What frustrates you most as a musician?

es dificil tener una vida economicamente estable, pro lo que a veces fue necesario buscar otros trabajos para poder mantener mi pasion y eso me desenfocaba It is difficult to have an economically stable life, so sometimes it was necessary to look for other jobs to keep my passion and that defocused me

What qualities should a musician nowadays have in order to get their music heard by a larger audience?

creo que tiene que ser lo mas autentico que pueda, nada de poses falsas. I think it has to be as authentic as it can, no false poses.