Tough Guise






What is music to you? What does it give you?

Music is everything. It gives me hope.

What is your music dream?

To be able to continue making music, that I love and that hopefully interests people.

If you could change the world - what would you start with?

I would start with making sure that everyone has compassion for everyone else.

Which is the most memorable song from your childhood?

"Dream" The Everly Brothers. I don't know why, I just have always been obsessed with dreams, and I love harmonies.

Who are your favorite musical artists or bands?

Weezer, PJ Harvey, L7, WENDY O'WILLIAMS, Beastie Boys, Anti-Nowhere League, Flogging Molly, Dresden Dolls, Jimi Hendrix, Mastodon, Metallica, Childish Gambino, Stam1na, Finnish Heavy Metal, Classical music, Hip-hop. A little bit of everything, dude.

What inspires you to make music?

Its kind of a selfish need. I feel urges to create, or say something. I feel for me, that lyrics are my best form of expression. I can voice my opinions in a creative way- without interruption. I think I was drawn to music as a young child, because I was shy and music gave me a voice.

What is the message you want to send with your music?

At the very least, I want my music to move people. Make them tap their foot, or shake their butts. On a larger level, I hope to connect with others emotionally. I think that music can connect people, in a very special way- whether it be through the music itself, or the lyrics. Music is such a wonderful communication tool.

How do you feel when you perform in front of an audience?

I feel really connected with other people. More so than at any other time.

How do you see the musicians’ reality nowadays? What could be improved?

I have lots of hopes for music. I hope that we see a resurgence of people (fans) that truly appreciate the powerful connections that music can provide, and support this beautiful art so it can always continue to grow and thrive.

What do you think of Drooble?

So far so good. I think it can be a great tool for musicians to connect and support.

What frustrates you most as a musician?

From my own experience, I've had a hard time finding other musicians to work with that are wonderful and fun to create with, and also have the same aspirations and work ethic.

Do you support your local scene as a fan? How?

Yes. I go to local shows and buy music and merch.

What qualities should a musician nowadays have in order to get their music heard by a larger audience?

I feel that it is important to go with your heart and have your own voice. It is important to be you, and not be too concerned with emulating other artists or following in someone else's footsteps.

Share some awesome artists that we’ve never heard of.

Drenched IN FEAR, Rapedoor,