Inspirations begets inspiration. With many thanks to Stephen Weber for my musings here.

These future lyrics were inspired by Stephen Weber's "Winterscape. you will have missed a work of perfection if you fail to spend a few minutes of your life listening to this one. Also Check Out "A Sea Of Hands By: Crazy World devine and feel true compassion from a song crafted in mourning. Icicles drape like eighth notes over my bitter heart, cold from the loss of your warmth, melting slowly in a staccato rhythm much like your heels across the hall floor and the bass boom of my front door slamming as you exited so ungracefully. My new realm without you is artic, I stand abandoned on the ice floe of your breaking away. My heart is a frozen chamber filled with the scratches of your name in the cryogenic walls, My graffitti of grief is not poetry but a dirge in eight characters less you.. Stephen Weber's Winterscape plays a sad dirge to any parting. I am abominable and you are a crocus that in some way I crushed but your reasons for leaving escape me. I must build a bonfire from the scrapbooks you have left in my memories and spread the ashes on my forehead for all that you have Lent. Then I will move on, to a warmer clime when I have at last thawed from my suspended animation without you. Hey Stephen, Just something off the cuff I wrote today after hearing your winterscape. Musicians inspire musiciasns and generate more music which is a blessing . There are a few possible hooks in there for sure. The picture I posted represents what the bitter chill of lonliness looks like.

Matthew Frederick Blowers