Mortado Grind Death Metal


La banda nace en Octubre de 2010 con una alineación clásica, que aún continua, queriendo retomar el sonido demoledor de la vieja escuela del Death Metal con influencias de Impetigo, Nunslaughter, Napalm Death, Mortician y muchas más bandas. Nuestro primer single llamado Bloodlust, ha mostrando la crudeza, fuerza y potencia de la vieja escuela, dejando en alto las raíces del metal con alumnos nuevos. En 2011 la banda ya tiene varias composiciones propias y es llamada para varios eventos en la ciudad, gustando al público en general y logrando así un llamado para ir a tocar a Manizales, como resultado del esfuerzo, promocionan allí su Demo “Ultimate Punishment”. Mortado es bien acogida y recibe buena energía de la banda internacional, Mortuoria Mexico, quien era el show principal, llevándose con ellos varios de los demos a tierras manitas. Durante el resto del 2011 la banda tiene otras presentaciones compartiendo escenario con bandas de Cali, Medellín, Villavicencio, Bogotá y Perú, ganando público y dejando buena imagen del trabajo realizado. Ya en el 2012 se enfocan un poco más en la producción de nuevas canciones, y con solo una presentación en este año, mostrando su nuevo material, que gracias a la brutalidad de los temas, ha sido de buen gusto para el público, lo que motiva a la banda a comenzar la grabación de lo que será su primer trabajo larga duración, estimado a salir a la luz a mediados de 2013. En 2014 logran contactar con la banda Belga Agathocles y sacan asi su primer split, generando muy buena respuesta del publico y dando a conocer la banda por fuera del país. gracias a esto finalizando año establecen contacto con Nunslaughter de USA y logran establecer su segundo split. Gracias a estos dos splits la banda se dio a conocer por fuera del país y logra así el contacto de dos sellos, Hatemetal Records de Mexico y Necorstable Records de Noruega, los cuales están dispuestos a realizar el primer Full Length de la banda, el cual sale digitalmente en Julio de 2015 con el sello Necrostable Records y Físico en Octubre bajo el sello Hatemetal Records de Mexico. ------------------------------------------------ The band was born in October 2010 with a classic lineup, which still continues, hailing the demolishing sound of the old Death Metal school with influences from Impetigo, Nunslaughter, Napalm Death, Mortician and many more bands. Our first single called Bloodlust, has shown the rawness, strength and power of the old school, leaving high the roots of metal with new students. In 2011 the band already has several compositions of their own and is called to several events in the city, liking the general public and thus achieving a call to go play Manizales, as a result of the effort, they promote their Demo "Ultimate Punishment" there. Mortado is well received and receives good energy from the international band, Mortuoria Mexico, who was the main show, taking with them several of the demos to land hands. During the rest of 2011 the band has other presentations sharing the stage with bands from Cali, Medellin, Villavicencio, Bogota and Peru, gaining public and leaving a good image of the work done. Already in 2012 they focus a bit more on the production of new songs, and with only one presentation this year, showing their new material, which thanks to the brutality of the themes, has been in good taste for the audience, which It motivates the band to begin recording what will be their first long-term work, estimated to come to light in mid-2013. In 2014, they managed to contact the Belga Agathocles band and released their first split, generating very good response from the public and making the band known outside the country. thanks to this ending year they establish contact with Nunslaughter of USA and manage to establish their second split. Thanks to these two splits the band became known outside the country and thus achieved the contact of two labels, Hatemetal Records of Mexico and Necorstable Records of Norway, which are willing to make the first full length of the band, which Digitally released in July 2015 with the label Necrostable Records and Physicist in October under the label Hatemetal Records of Mexico.






What is music to you? What does it give you?

La música para nosotros es la forma de canalizar toda la mierda que nos sucede y reflejar nuestra posición chocante y podrida que tenemos en contra de estos tiempos, tiempos blanditos y en que a nadie se le puede decir nada por que los ofende ... pues nosotros queremos ofenderlos, maldita sociedad! ------------------------------ The music for us is the way to channel all the shit that happens to us and reflect our shocking and rotten position that we have against these times, soft times and in which nobody can be said anything because it offends them ... we want to offend you, damn society!

What is your music dream?

Nuestro sueño musical, llegara tocar en el Obscene Extreme Festival ... la verdad no buscamos ser "Metallica" --------------------- Our musical dream will come to play at the Obscene Extreme Festival ... we do not really want to be "Metallica"

If you could change the world - what would you start with?

Un nuevo mundo. -------------------- A new world.

Which is the most memorable song from your childhood?

Pink Floyd - Shine on your Crazy Diamond

Who are your favorite musical artists or bands?

Napalm Death, Impetigo, Moritican, Nunslaughter, Morta Skuld, Masacre, Parabellum, etc...

What inspires you to make music?

El sonido clásico de la vieja escuela -------------------------------- The Old School Rotten Sound

What is the message you want to send with your music?

La vieja escuela nunca muere ------------------------------- Old School Never Dies

How do you feel when you perform in front of an audience?

Excelente, no hay nada mejor que tocar en vivo ------------------------------- Excellent, there's nothing better than playing live

How do you see the musicians’ reality nowadays? What could be improved?

El apoyo a los músicos siempre es poco, a menos que puedas pagarte tus ayudas hasta que alguna gran corporación te acoja en su agenda. ------------------------------ The support to the musicians is always little, unless you can pay for your help until some big corporation welcomes you in their agenda.

What do you think of Drooble?

No la conocía ... y hasta ahora me ha sorprendido, me parece una muy buena herramienta, excelente idea y esperamos poder explotarla al máximo ------------------------------ I didn't know it ... and until now it has surprised me, it seems to me a very good tool, excellent idea and we hope to be able to exploit it to the maximum

What frustrates you most as a musician?

No poder dedicarle el tiempo que se requiere para producir mas música ------------------------------ Not being able to devote the time it takes to produce more music

Do you support your local scene as a fan? How?

Siempre, asistiendo a los conciertos, comprando material de las bandas, organizando eventos cuando se puede y dando lo mejor de nosotros en nuestras presentaciones. ----------------------------- Always, attending the concerts, buying material from the bands, organizing events when you can and giving the best of us in our presentations.

What qualities should a musician nowadays have in order to get their music heard by a larger audience?

Estar abierto al uso de las nuevas tecnologías, las redes sociales, como esta por ejemplo, hacen que el trabajo de repartir tu música a todo el mundo sea mas fácil ----------------------------- Being open to the use of new technologies, social networks, like this one for example, make the work of distributing your music to everyone easier

Share some awesome artists that we’ve never heard of.

Posiblemente serian artistas de nuestra ciudad: Sagros, Bestial Disgorgement, Gutgrinder, Nameless, Hostil Age, Thrash S.W., Cementerio, Fire of Death, Angel Negro, etc... ----------------------------- Possibly they would be artists of our city: Sagres, Bestial Disgorgement, Gutgrinder, Thrash S.W., Nameless, Hostil Age, Cemetery, Fire of Death, Black Angel, etc ...