Lloyd Leipler


My music seeks to draw the listener toward worship of the Creator of music; not me, but the One who made all the artists, and all the listeners. My passion comes from Him, is directed toward Him, and strives to please Him. It is in my mind to not think too highly of myself, but at the same time seek to be the unique individual He has made me to be. One of the truly wonderful, and interesting aspects of music, and just about anything, really, is the variety, the uniqueness, the individuality, the creativeness that can be seen, and enjoyed. He made us like Himself. He is creative, obviously, and I really believe He delights to see others be creative. When I sing I am not trying to sound like anyone else. I want Him to delight in my voice, my words, my expression, my passion. I sincerely hope this comes across to every listener.





What is music to you? What does it give you?

Music is a gift from our creator. It gives us a wonderful means of expressing our appreciation to Him; of touching others; of fulfilling the desire within us to please him.