Ganoderma Musicians Therapy (Community)


Ganoderma Musicians Therapy (Community) Our community promotes all those values ​​that represent an improvement and integral well-being in the health of professional musician as amateur, through natural therapies. In the daily use and of the fungus Ganoderma Lucidum, in coffee, tea, chocolate, fruit juice, vitamin supplements, personal care gnotherapy, etc. PUBLIC UTILITY COMMUNITY FOR MUSICIANS AND ARTISTS Ganoderma Musicians Therapy (Community) Nuestra comunidad promueve todos aquellos valores que representan una mejora y bienestar integral en la salud del musico profesional o amateur, a traves de terapias naturales. En el uso cotidiano del hongo Ganoderma Lucidum, en cafe,te,chocolate,zumo de fruta complementos vitaminicos alimenticios,ganoterapia del cuidado personal etc... COMUNIDAD DE UTILIDAD PUBLICA PARA MUSICOS Y ARTISTAS.