

Writer of over 10,000 Various Style Writings, Music

What is music to you? What does it give you?

Music doesn't mean much to me. The artist, if from my personal life, does.

What is your music dream?

I have no music dream.

If you could change the world - what would you start with?

Removal of evil in the political system.

Which is the most memorable song from your childhood?

I have many memorable songs from childhood. I can't give only one.

Who are your favorite musical artists or bands?

I have many favorite people from my life in the music arena.

What inspires you to make music?

I don't have an inspiration to make music. I just write when a memory chooses to show within my thoughts.

What is the message you want to send with your music?

I don't have a particular message to send.

How do you feel when you perform in front of an audience?

I am not a performer. I am a writer.

How do you see the musicians’ reality nowadays? What could be improved?

I don't see the musicians' reality nowadays. I do feel for the changes many musicians have been put through.

What do you think of Drooble?

So far I like Drooble. I am still finding my way around.

What frustrates you most as a musician?

Nothing frustrates me as a musician.

Do you support your local scene as a fan? How?

I don't use my time on the local scene. I am very busy with the balance for my life to complete.

What qualities should a musician nowadays have in order to get their music heard by a larger audience?

I have no clue of the qualities. I never spent time on a larger audience.

Share some awesome artists that we’ve never heard of.

I am sorry. I don't have the interests in sharing artists.