Eider Official


EIDER was formed in July 1953 during the National Finnish Cheesecake Eating Competition. They started their career by selling pencils and making their own tomato flavoured ice cream. Unfortunately their business didn’t go well, so they switched to their current careers in music. After 40 years of intense training they learned a whole 5 chords and 2 shapes of pentatonic scales, and started to produce a massive amount of music (seven whole songs). After this huge success their drummer went mad, and started to be addicted to Gummy Bears, causing the band members to kill him. After months of hunting, the band found their new drummer, Lewis Dunmore. The lumberjack was kidnapped from his native land of Spain, and forced to play and smile for the band. Bassist Tom Louvet was originally a carpenter and freelance chef. He never liked music so he started to play bass guitar. Every Saturday he played in the nude in local pubs in Kilburn and was obviously arrested. In prison he met David Pear, who had been convicted of Monopoly money laundering. Russ Flook started his music career at the age of 4 when he ate the whole music book. He refused to be a part of this corrupt world and locked himself in a cupboard for the whole 7 years, where he learned Japanese and basics of the dark magic. Alex Farry is an undercover Malaysian assassin who discovered his passion in water polo in the age of 6 and is the only band member that knows what Em7b5 means. Alex doesn't eat fruit and vegetables which names starts with 'm' and likes gardening and space travelling. I really don’t know how to link them all together now, so let’s say they met at the Institute of Contemporary Music Performance in London and found a duck they could all relate to. For bookings and other enquiries call +447833631874



