De Kerozinekikkers


It is certain that when Rob Jaeger, former tenoorsaxophonist dropped the name "Kerozinekikkers" (Fly Fuel Frogs) doubt's about a group name where non-existend ever since. A fact is that at the time he worked at an airport. When the group just started they played a composition with a Jumpy rhythm called "Kerozinekikkers". Sometimes the groups' name was spelled as "Kerozinekickers" and it was suggested that members would get a 'kick' out of inhaling Kerosene. However, this theory is not the most likely. In General, it is nowadays assumed that it comes to (Dutch) frogs that live in a kind of mixture of mud and kerosene. They are able to jump higher than any frog species and live through the most severe winters. As a matter of fact "Kerozine' is misspelled even in Dutch! Apparently in ten years, they never bothered to set that right.
