David Lillegaard





What is music to you? What does it give you?

It is shadow work therapy.

What is your music dream?

To add some things in the world that inspire and perhaps heal.

If you could change the world - what would you start with?

I wouldn't. We live in a beautiful and ugly world. we need to transcend the whole thing

Which is the most memorable song from your childhood?

My Grandpa playing the piano.

Who are your favorite musical artists or bands?

Depeche mode. New Order. Pet Shop Boys. Nitzer ebb. Skinny Puppy. Meat Beat Manifesto.

What inspires you to make music?

the desire to communicate ideas in unique ways.

What is the message you want to send with your music?

Tough one to answer.. It's a fluid answer in that I'll never want to communicate the same thing. the answer changes song to song.

How do you feel when you perform in front of an audience?

Hyper focused and a sense of community.

How do you see the musicians’ reality nowadays? What could be improved?

Love most of them. At least they are doing something positive.

What do you think of Drooble?


What frustrates you most as a musician?

How little time there is in a day.

Do you support your local scene as a fan? How?

Yes. I go to shows. I buy merch.

What qualities should a musician nowadays have in order to get their music heard by a larger audience?

Strong work ethic.