Danny Granstaff


Danny Granstaff, a resident of Western Kentucky, is not a stranger to different musical influences. Having been raised in the British West Indies as a missionary kid, Danny was exposed to many multi-cultural sounds and rhythms. He began teaching himself guitar at the age of thirteen and over the years has developed his own signature style. Using collaborations of flute, vocalization, rhythm, instrumentation and live “looping”, he sends his audience on their own journey without saying a word. He has dubbed his style “Classical Fusion” – mixing Latin, African, Moroccan, New Age and Classical styles all into one, giving new meaning to the typical “Acoustic Finger-style Guitarist.” Granstaff has been showcased on Murray State University’s radio station – WKMS, on the weekly broadcast of “Planet Waves”. Danny says that if only one person’s soul is touched during his “musical paintings” then it is all worth it. Once exposed to his melodic sound, one could certainly say that they have experienced a fresh new journey.





