Echo Flaire

This Is My Story

Hello World! My name's Daniel Pilgrim ? Where do I start? Well, I'm 21 years old (this year) and still making music in my bedroom. It's my only personal studio thus far. I'm a travel geek as well (Although honestly, I haven't been to further places yet.) I'd love to travel like a nomad someday — someday soon. My initiation into music came about the age of nine when I first got my guitar and started playing it ever since. My early influence came from The Beatles, Daft Punk and The Smashing Pumpkins. Then came the time (at the age of 15) where I started learning music production for the sake of fun; dabbling into the arts of electronic music and the scene. After graduating high school(I'm 18 at this point), I got a part-time job at a restaurant; waiting tables, making drinks, coffee, cocktails, and whatnot (I was pretty bad at bartending). As time passed by, I felt as if life was quite dull; especially when you come from a quiet suburban (and a quiet town) with nothing much to do. Through mental blocks and creative ruts, I learn to take the time producing music. And the best medicine for me — I decided to throw away rules and dismiss certain theories (where possible to alter). I spent my eighteen years old life without doing much though :P Going into my nineteenth year of life, I got into a university; I opted for the audio engineering field. I unlearn a few kinds of stuff, try to see things in a different picture and proposed myself an alternate frame of mindset. Hey! It's 2019. So what am I doing? I'm working on my own music definitely and experimenting. I prefer being a free-spirited musician. It does keep thing exciting with a fresher mind than ever before.





