Bio Nic


2 fans of the band Fear Factory met eachother on the FF fanpage. They started chatting, and Prisila wanted to sing in a metalband, and Ruben wanted to make metal music. After only a few apps they formed the band BioNic Priscila loves Biology, and her lyrics often merge biology and technolgy. Because she does not have the capability to record at home we have to wait for her to come to Nederland, where Ruben has his studio. For now, she helps develop theme's and feedback and designs all the artwork. Ruben has been making music for 16 years. He makes different kinds of music, from ambient and orchestral to metal. After buying a 7 and later an 8 string guitar he is still practicing to become faster and better, but he has recorded over 60 concepts for songs. Adding synths and melodies to metal shapes the sound of BioNic. Pris and Ruben are working hard to get better and bring you quality heavyness ;) follow us, and if you like our songs? leave a comment! grtz P&R



