Beta The Mad Scientist


I like arps. I do it all myself. I write the track, its not composed out of samples like everything else today, no, its actually something original. Then I compose the track and produce it (mixing, mastering, sounddesign) Now I am not an expert in the sounddesign area, I am a musician. I create a lot of music and I did from the start. I learned by creating tracks. I learned by doing not watching youtube videos. I learn by listening to others and try to adjust things. I learn by working. I have a lot to learn still, but the music is inside me, and it must come out, or I will go down with it. I have made so many tracks already, that it is ridiculous, I made easily over 500 tracks in the past 4 years. I produced for three and took a break for one year. Now in February I started again, and Electronical Sub Systems followed soon. Very simple track, very repetitive, but a sound... I have worked on the variation in feature tracks, yet some tracks show the same repetitiveness. This is done presumably by my alter music making ego because of the fact that your body goes dancy when it is able to expect what is coming. I am the doctor. The doctor of music. And I am here to heal you all.



